Web Application Performance Problems: How to deal with

It is predictable that web application issues might happen. The business is based on helping you to prevent issues via website testing and monitoring. But the main thing is that the issues can come from anywhere, and sometimes you might have to find the resolution. There are some Web Application Performance Problems so, move ahead with the resolution.

Common Web Application Performance Problem

It doesn’t matter how diligent and careful you are, things might happen. Here are some of the common causes of web performance issues and you might be able to rectify them

Issue 1- Bad Written Code

Badly written code can lead to a host of web application issues including inefficient algorithms, application deadlocks. Old software version, or integrated legacy system cal drag the performance down. Ensure that the teams use all of the tools at their disposal from automated tools like profilers to best programming practices such as code reviews.

Issue 2- Database without Optimization

The optimized database allows for the highest security and performance level, while the un-optimized database brings can destroy a production app. Missing indexes slow the SQL performance down that can ruin the entire site. Make sure to use the file and script statistics to check for any inefficient queries.

Issue 3- Unmanageable Data Growth

Data system degrades over time. Developing a plan to manage and control data as it grows is crucial to the success of your web performance. The very first step is to decide the answerable facts for the business data growth. This is the time from when your team will need to conduct the research and determine the appropriate data storage needs. Look at all of the options from databases to caches to more advanced layered storage solutions.

Issue 4- Traffic Spikes

We commonly think of enhanced traffic as a good thing. Well, anyone who has deal with major traffic spikes after the marketing promotion or viral video knows what is going to happen when you are not prepared for them properly. Planning for more and more is the key and set up a previous warning system via replicated user monitoring systems. You will then see when the traffic impacts the transactions before the users have a bad experience.

Issue 5- Bad Distribution Load

Bad load distribution might cause slow response times by assigning new site incorrectly visitors to bogged-down the servers rather than others with cycle to spare. If there are so many people available on the same server then, they might start experiencing issues even if the entire system is under control. It is really imperative to check with the reliable product as it will help the users to find any infrastructural downside at hand.

Issue 6- Default Configurations

Systems might be tuned properly. With the default configurations, it becomes simple to get new components up and running, they aren’t appropriate for your web app in the live production environment. The entire settings should be checked including review thread counts, and allocated memory and permissions. Make sure that all configuration parameters suit the demands that are used on the web app. 

Issue 7- Firewall, DNS, and Network Connectivity

DND queries make up the majority of web traffic. That is the reason that a DNS problem can cause so many issues, and prevent the visitors from accessing your sit6e and result in the error 404s and wrong pathways. Likewise, network connectivity and firewall efficiency are vital for productivity and access. Use DNS monitoring secures to identify problems very easily. Check the VLAN tags and distribute the tasks between servers. There are just a few ways to resolve such types of performance issues..

Issue 8- Shared Virtual Machines and Resources 

Since every web app nowadays depends on virtual machines for everything from management to scalability to system recovery. Well, sometimes the way such virtual systems are managed and hundreds of VMs on a certain physical server can result in problems where one issue will affect all others. After all, conflict is obvious. You have to monitor the system closely so that if VM is the issue then, you can deal with the side effects.

Let’s Wrap Up

Developing a website with higher than expected traffic might lead to the issue which needs increased scalability. Many of the issues boil down to the coding of websites whereas others might be related to other might be related to server issues, defective HTML code, and DNS roadblocks.
Thankfully, there are various solutions to such issues which are available to your business some of which are free to use, while others might cost you extra. In many cases, make sure that you are making the most of the resources to get you where you want to be. You can work on it by getting connected with Web Development Agency as they have knowledge of responsive design and development.


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