
Showing posts from February, 2022

Web Application Performance Problems: How to deal with

It is predictable that web application issues might happen. The business is based on helping you to prevent issues via website testing and monitoring. But the main thing is that the issues can come from anywhere, and sometimes you might have to find the resolution. There are some Web Application Performance Problems so, move ahead with the resolution. Common Web Application Performance Problem It doesn’t matter how diligent and careful you are, things might happen. Here are some of the common causes of web performance issues and you might be able to rectify them Issue 1- Bad Written Code Badly written code can lead to a host of web application issues including inefficient algorithms, application deadlocks. Old software version, or integrated legacy system cal drag the performance down. Ensure that the teams use all of the tools at their disposal from automated tools like profilers to best programming practices such as code reviews. Issue 2- Database without Optimization The optimized

How to differentiate Organic and Local SEO strategies?

Nowadays organic search accounts for 53% of online traffic. But what sets it exactly apart from the local search. Which one will get the results you are seeking for? And how are they different from each other? In this guide, we will discuss the key facts to differentiate Organic and Local SEO strategies so that you can choose the appropriate one for your business. Difference b/w Organic and Local SEO: Keep both of them just after each other 1. Nature of Organic and Local SEO Organic SEO: Nature Organic SEO is the ideal procedure that will help businesses to get to the top of the Google Search Rankings so that they can get traffic to their website. Google usages an algorithm to calculate the websites and makes the organic search results list that is well-known as Search Engine Result Pages. These organic search results extend with the suggestion of Google to find results on certain directories like Facebook. Apart from organic search, there is paid search which keeps Google Ads and oth